The Resistance Hotline is a new take on a 1-800 support line offering training and nonviolent action planning support to defend the integrity of our elections and build a strong progressive movement.
Are you ready to amp up your defense of democracy?
Do you need tips and tools for organizing or doing effective actions?
Need training exercises or agendas to prepare your group for nonviolent action?
Want to find training to take your activism to the next level?
You’ve come to the right place.
The Resistance Hotline provides trustworthy one-on-one support for action planning & training needs.
Post your question and within 24 hours, one of our vetted, seasoned direct-action activists or organizers will respond to you.
Your question can be vague (“How do we do a freeway banner drop??”) or specific (“Right Wing aggressors are planning to disturb a local rally this weekend… How do we creatively de-escalate? Help!”) as you feel comfortable posting.
You can also direct message us with more specific questions, and if needed we will move the conversation to a more secure platform.
Of course, there are potential risks involved, and we can’t take responsibility for your actions or how you use the information on this site.
We’re activists, not lawyers; we advise that you seek appropriate local legal counsel for any questions on ramifications of civil disobedience.
We recommend using secure communication tools for sensitive items or anything you don’t want people to know.
Carrier pigeon options coming soon.
Crafted with Care by Coy Kindred Consulting.